This document will show you how to create Masquerading Credentials and API Credentials for Client using TeamMate EPP.

- Access to TeamMate Enterprise Portal.
- Access to Manager Portal.

Creating an Office Manager User for Masquerading
  1. Log into the NMS.
  2. Click on Users > Configuration.
  3. Navigate to WLP's 0000.resellerid.service Domain
  4. Click Add User.
  5. Enter the following information:
    1. Username: Teammate-api
    2. First Name: Teammate
    3. Last Name: Technology
    4. Login Name[email protected].service
    5. Notify Email: This will autofill according to domain settings
    6. New Portal/API Password: Generate Password.
      1. Document Password. 
    7. Dial Permission: Deny All
    8. Scope: Reseller
    9. Service Code:  Generic System User
    10. Create User Device: No 
  6. Click Create
  7. Document the Login Name and Password.

Creating Oauth Client
  1. Log into NMS.
  2.  Click on System >Settings > Advanced > Oauth Clients
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter Client ID: teammateapi.domainname
  5. Document Client ID and Client Secret.

Configuring Advanced Settings on EPP
  1. Go to Direct Routing Management for the Client Enterprise.
  2. Click on PBX Settings.
  3. Click on Advanced Settings.
  4. Enter Portal Authorization URL:
    1. CP:
    2. WLP: https://WLP_FQDN/ns-api/oauth2/token/ 
  5. Enter Access Token Credentials:
    1.  Client ID and Client Secret.
  6. Enter Masquerading Credentials:
    1. Login Name and Password.
  7. Click Save Settings.

  8. Document Client ID, Client Secret, and Login Name on Salesforce under WLP. Share these credentials with them as well.