This document will show you how to create Masquerading Credentials and API Credentials for Client using TeamMate EPP.
Requirements: - Access to TeamMate Enterprise Portal. - Access to Manager Portal.
Creating an Office Manager User for Masquerading
- Log into the NMS.
- Click on Users > Configuration.
- Navigate to WLP's 0000.resellerid.service Domain
- Click Add User.
- Enter the following information:
- Username: Teammate-api
- First Name: Teammate
- Last Name: Technology
- Login Name: [email protected].service
- Notify Email: This will autofill according to domain settings
- New Portal/API Password: Generate Password.
- Document Password.
- Dial Permission: Deny All
- Scope: Reseller
- Service Code: Generic System User
- Create User Device: No
- Click Create
- Document the Login Name and Password.
Creating Oauth Client
- Log into NMS.
- Click on System >Settings > Advanced > Oauth Clients
- Click Add.
- Enter Client ID: teammateapi.domainname
- Document Client ID and Client Secret.
Configuring Advanced Settings on EPP
- Go to Direct Routing Management for the Client Enterprise.
- Click on PBX Settings.
- Click on Advanced Settings.
- Enter Portal Authorization URL:
- CP:
- WLP: https://WLP_FQDN/ns-api/oauth2/token/
- Enter Access Token Credentials:
- Client ID and Client Secret.
- Enter Masquerading Credentials:
- Login Name and Password.
- Click Save Settings.
Document Client ID, Client Secret, and Login Name on Salesforce under WLP. Share these credentials with them as well.